I’m Calling Myself Out! – A Language Yoga Translation

Language Yoga Immersion

This translation I’m going to leave as anonymous, even though I know who it is from. I have no intention of defaming anyone, or ruffling feathers. The point here is to explain what a Language Yoga Translation is, and how one can Call Myself Out.

“The Federal Reserve is completely and totally out of control, and Congress needs to start exerting power over it. Hopefully the American people will start to send more representatives to Washington D.C. that understand this. “

Language Yoga Translation

I AM completely and totally out of control, and I need to start exerting power over MYSELF. Hopefully I will start to send more MORE PARTS OF MYSELF back to ME that understand this.

Here’s the deal with this translation. One needs to remember that there is nothing external outside of self. By projecting the Federal Reserve outside of himself, the author is revealing his own repressed subconscious shadow. The author is essential stating that he is completely and totally out of control.

Now, I do not know this person personally, but I think it would be really interesting to have a sit down conversation with this man. Through his other various writings, he is very steeped in religious dogma. To each their own, and a fully allow and support whatever one’s choices are.

He’s also stating that he needs to start exerting power over himself. Don’t We All!! I am exerting power over myself my taking full responsibility for my projections, to the extent now that I catch myself the Minute they occur, in the NOW moment. There is nothing outside of myself. Period.

Through externalizing Congress, the author is falling into victim consciousness, waiting for and expecting other people to solve this issue for him. Maybe if the author realized and came into the awareness that all Money is actually a Representation of Human Energy (that is the actual Value), we wouldn’t need to have some type of external Value system to govern ourselves, as represented by the banks? Instead of having a financial middleman, all exchange and transactions would be Peer-to-Peer. All Value would be seen as 1=1, no matter what the exchange would be.

There would be no service or knowledge that would be perceived at better than or more valuable than any other service or knowledge. One might ask themselves the question, “well, how would that be fair?” And with that I tell you this. In higher states of consciousness, love and compassion prevail. All “work” is done in complete joy, so essentially it doesn’t feel like “work.” All would be working together as a complete whole. Each inbodyment is it’s own individuation, yet simultaneously works with the intention of the betterment of the whole population. And not solely just for humans. ALL Lifeforms. This is essentially the concept of living in Oneness. The intention of each inbodyment simultaneously includes betterment of self with betterment of all

Now this last sentence is quite a mind-bender.

“Hopefully the American people will start to send more representatives to Washington D.C. that understand this.

Hopefully I will start to send more MORE PARTS OF MYSELF back to ME that understand this.

I Myself the American People. I Myself Representatives in Washington, D.C. I AM all aspects. To me, this demonstrates shamanic fractalization. The author’s subconscious is essentially stating that the soul fragments of himself are still existing in separation consciousness. It reminds me of Soul Retrieval and merging all aspects of my multi-dimensional self back into one singularity, one inbodyment. This I AM actively DOing. I fully understand this. I AM is all there ever Was, IS, and Will Be.

What I understand is that I AM the only one who can solve my problems. I AM the only one who I can Change. I AM the only one who can change my reality. I AM the only one who can manifest the reality I wish to live in. ITS ALL ME.

Right now, there are 7 Billion alternative realities occurring at the same time on this planet, and I’m only one of them. My thoughts, my feelings, attract situations, people, and experiences into my field of awareness. Events and situations come to me to show me where I AM at in my own evolution.



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